EMPIIRES Release "Love or Hate" with TLG Entertainment/INgrooves

Hard Rocking band EMPIIRES releases their single "Love or Hate" with TLG Entertainment/INgrooves.
EMPIIRES is leveling the hard rock sound across Texas and beyond the wide Texan range, knocking down the borders with their own unique brand. "Love or Hate" hits the rock riffs and hooks you across the fist-pumping Texas-size horns up into the air! A track to kick the rock n roll sky high and over the Lone Star state into your neck of the woods!
"Our new song, "Love or Hate", describes a lot of relationships in life. Most of us have been in a situation that we care about, but it turns bad and we don’t know how to walk away." - EMPIIRES

Empiires bring a new breed of hard rock music to the Dallas scene that is way overdue. With powerful, melodic vocals and blistering guitars atop thundering rhythms, Empiires delivers a rock n roll gut punch that showcases the impressive songwriting and performing chops of its powerful nucleus.
Bishop Booker - vocals
Darren Paul - guitars
Matthew Gene - bass
Reid Stanford - drums
Those looking for a new breed of power rock now have a new movement to embrace:
Producer: Alex Gerst - Empire Sound Studios