Genre blending singer, rapper and multi-instrumentalist Treasure Bloom has an impressive track record of releases since his 2019 debut. For his upcoming, new mini-album “Nostalgia” the artist is formerly known as Treasure metamorphs into Treasure Bloom and teams up Berlin-based underground boutique label Kommerz Records. Co-owners and brothers Lukas and Jonathan Nixdorff discovered the London-born and Hertfordshire-based creative genius through an artist friend in common, Jay Lewn, and connected through social media months later.
The electronic experimentalist extraordinaire writes and produces all his music in his home studio. His influences range from Frank Oceanesque progressive R&B to stripped-down acoustic folk all the way to his musical upbringings in metal. It’s this unpredictable, sometimes even contradicting nature that makes Treasure Bloom one of the most fascinating new artists in the UK. “Nostalgia” is the follow-up to “Nostalgia: The Prelude”, which came out under his former moniker in 2020. Whilst the latter was still self-released, Kelvin Beyioku decided to take the next step in becoming Treasure Bloom and joining forces with Kommerz Records.
The single “Stay Safe” is the anthem for self-protection inspired by the hit BBC series “The Serpent”. With a plethora of experimental fusions combining R&B and heavy 808 pulses resulting in a kaleidoscope, lo-fi aura. The song is part of London-born and Hertfordshire-based Treasure Bloom’s debut EP “Nostalgia”, which drops on Berliner label Kommerz Records on August 6th.