London alt indie duo Plastic Barricadesisreleasing“One for the Road”on the 1stof October.
This “odeto freedomofexploration” will be the first single from the upcomingsophomore LP “Self-Theories”,due in early 2020.Imagine this:Open window, open road, open heart... The air smells new and fresh, wind playing in your hair. Youcan feel the tempo of the modern world slowing down and the skies smiling at you. Your friendsarewith you in the van. You don’t run away from your daily routine, you just learn to absorb and recharge,to appreciate the world around you and to be present in the moment, letting go of fears and worries,even just for a day or two. Let’s spend our lives on stories! Money disappears all too easily, but storieslast millennia.“One for the Road” video(embargo till the 1stof October):
“Self-Theories” LP(embargo till January 2020):
One for the Road" facts:Written, recorded and mixedin a backyard Shed Studio in North-West London, masteringat Metropolis Studios in LondonInspired by "On the road" novel by Jack Kerouac, first published in 1957Music video for the single, created byband’s art-directorElina Pasok, uses amateurfootage, filmed in the late 1950s around America by familieswiththeir brand new cuttingedge handheld camerasYou can hear Plastic Barricades' trusty old Ford Transit's happy growl in the first fewseconds of the songArtworkfor the single uses a model of a Packard Patrician, first released in 1956Single release date-1stof October 2019“Self-Theories” LP preliminary release set for early 2020Romantic and honest, gloomy and curious, melodic andmelancholic, Plastic Barricades chronicle lifein the troubled yet fascinating XXI century, asking questions and trying to find answers. Inspired andinfluenced by almighty Radiohead, Foo Fighters, Oasis, Coldplay, Muse, Death Cab for Cutie, Placebo,Nirvana and many others, the band loves to experiment with styles, sound and approach.Based in North-West London, Plastic Barricades are Dan Kert on guitars, keyboards and vocals andPaul Love on drums