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Me From You Release New EP "Rival Towns"

Me From You Release New EP "Rival Towns"

Pop punk band Me From You have released their new EP "Rival Towns," available on all digital streaming platforms NOW. Me From You approach the pop punk construct with richness. The EP's lead "Borrowed Time" showcases just a small piece of this, but leads with a strong example and gives Me From You a unique, memorable edge. Their new EP “Rival Towns,” recorded by Alan Day of Four Year Strong, tells a multitude of personal stories, while heavily utilizing reverse delay as a branded sonic element. During the writing process, the band made a conscious choice to build each tracks' sonic elements around the lyrics, making for a bold, intimate collection of punky perfection. About the EP, the band states:

‘Rival Towns’ is the second EP by Me From You. Steven Murillo, and Alan Day spent a large portion of quarantine remotely pre-producing these songs. The EP chronicles personal problems between family, friends, and significant others. A lot of the story telling on this EP is based around significant moments in our lives. It’s about digressing conversations had with loved ones and conversations you have with yourself every day.

Me From You was started by Steven Murillo and Chris Murphy in early 2018. While recording their debut EP ‘ Framework’ with Christopher Sauter, at Sunrise Studios in late 2019, the duo had been working on a follow up to find their sound. In the spring of 2020, the band began working with Alan Day of Four Year Strong on their follow up to ‘Framework’.

Once the pre-production stage of writing had been completed, Steven and Chris sought out friends from another local band to help record the EP in May of 2021. Kevin Ultsh, Greg Morales, and Jonathon Cadena (Landscapes and Skylines, Dweller) joined Me From You during the recording process and have been instrumental in the writing and recording process. The band finished recording their second EP ‘Rival Towns’ at Ghost Hit Recording with Alan Day and support from James MacMillian (Stateside Management).

Me From You - "Borrowed Time"


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