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"Ritual of receptiveness, dynamics, form and braking the form. An organic expression".

"Too early, Too fast" - this is my PRE-publishing auto - biography by Anna Achimowicz. A book -to-be Blog.

In 2012 I had a brief idea of describing my dance work as a "ritual of receptiveness, dynamics, form. Braking the form. An organic expression".

By that time I was finished with working with Thierry after five years of togetherness between darkness and light. Thierry Verger was a very avant-garde choreographer from Paris. His style he described himself and his style as modal underground. His whole personality was very eclectic

and complex. His whole background was a fusion of pure dance techniques, riding horse back, styling, fashion, photography, mystical tales and stories and many more images from which he took his inspiration. We met at the dance festival in Poznan one summer. I have just spent 2 years in Austria, Linz and Vienna. Just lost my apartment that second summer. I was so proud to have established myself in a bigger city after Linz. All the plans came crumbling down, it was July or August and low season for any regular plans with teaching, dance or else wise. The owner and renter of the room in Webgasse Vienna I was living in turned out not to be who she seemed in the first place. The owner turned out to be a real psycho, my whole family had to interfere, or at least half of it, drove up to Vienna from Warsaw to fetch me and my things. It was time to come back, leave Austria and move.

It wasn't working out. I was supposed to teach Gyrokinesis method in one of the studios and as a guest with another, we were quite far along with the owners negotiations. We started the promotion, did some photo shoots and flyers, schedule was ready to start along with the season. Don't remember the reason but we never actually started working. For no reason she stopped contact and I never heard from her again. My one room flat from Linz hardly fit with my friends small car. Since I moved more and more things were taking place. As you move to a new flat to get the obvious yet basic functional furniture so that your clothes don't lie on the floor all the time. My mother was sending me packages every couple of months. With training clothes, books, personal souvenirs that could stylize and personalize my four white walls I was living in at the end in Linz.

The first time I moved to Linz, for the first week I was spending each night in a different place with one suitcase and a huge mountain backpack. I came to Linz to study dance at Anton Bruckner University. Institute of Dance Art IDA was led by Johannes Randolf, an Austrian choreographer, dancer and teacher whom I met years back around the year 2000 in Baltic Dance University. For many years I was taking his workshops in contemporary dance, GYROKINESIS, partnering. I was a teenager, then so all of the auditions he was hosting for the IDA department weren't for me. One of the last ones taking place in Poland, was in Warsaw, I was sixteen then and also too young to be taken in to study. My technical skills level was very high for my age but still legally I had to pass my final exams, matura at the age of eighteen to be considered. I was sitting on the side, taking classes. Training during the auditions but weren't ever officially considered because of my young age. Always has been like that. I absolutely hated that entry age. I felt discriminated for it.

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