HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE are preparing to unveil their new album Moirae in early 2024. Based out of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, the band produces blackened hardcore with a surprisingly emotional edge. HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE deliver an eerie ambiance across guitar driven tracks, contrasting instrumental layers and evocative moods.
The band comment about the album:
"'Moirae' is an Ancient Greek term referring to three figures that are personifications of destiny. The role of the Moirae is to ensure that everyone lives out their destiny as assigned to them by the laws of the universe. We explore this necessary human process of birth, proliferation and death through these songs, couched in metaphor and esoteric meaning so the listener can interpret them as they see fit.”
Become immersed in vast soundscapes, enticing melodies and haunting harsh vocals. Moirae opens with the title track, flooding the senses with intense blackened guitars, and dynamic rhythms. The fierce sound continues into “Fates” and then “Degrade”, which explores how human persistence to overcome the constraints of the Moirae, will result in the ruin of all we once held dear, and see everything and everyone we love crumbles to ash. A solemn gloom manifests in “Loss”. The album concludes with “Atropos”. This final chapter reveals acceptance of the Moirae’s laws; we succumb to destiny and dissolve into the earth, holding the shame of being denied entry into the divine womb.
Initially beginning as a post-hardcore act with their first demo in 2014, over time the band gradually added more black metal influences (OATHBREAKER, ALTAR OF PLAGUES, CELESTE, WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM), settling on a post-black style with occasional hardcore touches and atmospheric flourishes. HELL IS OTHER PEOPLE’s long-form songwriting is inspired by artists such as GAEREA, ISIS, AMESOEURS and AGALLOCH.
Nathan Boots - guitarist
James Ditty - Drums
Nathan Ferreira - Vocals, bass
Track Listing:
1. Moirae
2. Fates
3. Degrade
4. Loss
5. Atropos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HiOPofficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hiopofficial
Bandcamp: https://hellisotherpeople.bandcamp.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hiop